Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dear Son,

[A bloggy friend of my dear bride is having a contest for writing a letter to one of your kids. Not being the immensely-verbal type, I guess it's fitting for me to use this opportunity to express some gratitute to my son for the great job he's done raising me.]

I can't believe you've already been with us for a full decade! Looking back at your baby pictures has an out-of-body experience feel to it, and yet those days seem so recent as well.

You can probably recall many aspects of your own life, as you saw them through your own eyes, as you felt them with your own heart. Maybe they're similar to the ways I remember them too. Maybe not. Oh well...every child is destined to have parents whose memory didn't latch onto the same key childhood events yours did.

But I do hope you'll remember some of those key parenthood events that have defining places in my thoughts.

Like when you...

- Helped me develop a stronger stomach (learning to change CLOTH diapers)
- Spent one-on-one time with me while Mommy waitressed (thanks for sharing your puréed sweet potatoes and carrots too!)
- Took me on our first camping trip at Pax River Naval Air Station ("It's 5 A.M. Lay down and GO TO SLEEP!")
- Fine-tuned my soccer coaching skills with several of your 8/9-year old friends
- Taught me to ride a bike...

- Forgave me all of those times when I set a bad example for you, and had enough brain cells operating to recognize and admit it
- Helped me realize how important it is to consistently pray and read the Bible, and to be a good example of a husband and father

Wow! Thanks to you, I've really grown and matured over the past ten years.

I love you, son. You're doing a great job raising me so far. I hope you'll stick it out with me, 'cause I know I have a long way to go...



EEEEMommy said...

Great entry, dearest! :)
It brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face. :)

Tell Emily not to rush me! I'm percolating.

Smith, Smith, Smith & Smith said...

A railroad crossing?! I'm speechless. Anyway, it's a great letter to your son. I'm glad that I have no need to be taught by my children. It's hard to be perfect, but . . . . . . !

Melissa said...

Great letter, Dude! A has her work cut out for her! :)

P.S. It's snowwwwwwingggg!

justjuls said...

This is a great post!
I came over here to cheer on the competition.

Halfmoon Girl said...

I came over from Emily's too. Do you know that you won? Congratulations- loved the pic of you on the trike!