Monday, February 4, 2008

On the surface...

"On the surface not a ripple,
Undercurrent wages war."

So writes one of my favorite singer/songwriters.

How many would describe me as "even-keeled," "always calm," "never gets upset?" Most probably would. Several have.

Yet few catch glimpses of the undercurrent roiling inside. True, I don't lose my cool often.
At least, not outwardly. But I can get angry. I can get really angry. And I can get sullen, and impatient...and...well, I won't go on (this time).

"Quiet in the sanctuary,
Sin is crouching at my door."

I need to remember. Oh, how I need so much to remember.

I need to remember how I'm not bound to live angry, or sullen, or impatient, or...

I need to remember that "it's" not about how I lived (sorry POG ladies, I disagree).

I need to remember that this life is only "the dash in between" the dates on my tombstone, and that the second date marks the beginning of reality.

"Curse-reversing Day of Jesus,
When you finally seize my soul.
Freedom from myself will be
The sweetest rest I’ve ever known."

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