Thursday, February 7, 2008

Presentation Skills

On Tuesday, I had an opportunity to give a presentation (yes, replete with PowerPoint slides).

I prepared many hours for said presentation. Many hours.

My slideshow was keenly templated, doused in captivating animations, and encumbered in geekily-detailed glory!

There was no stopping me!

No, really, there was no stopping me. Even though my presentation was supposed to last for 20 minutes, maybe 30 at the most, it took me about 50 to complete. That's right 2.5 times as long as it was supposed to be.

Now, in my defense, it had been almost 2 years since I had given a similar such presentation. And I didn't have an opportunity to fully rehearse it so as to know it's possible duration (or was it that I didn't MAKE that opportunity?). And I did allow my technical comrades to ask questions during my presentation...

But still, 2.5 times?


Well, today, I have another opportunity--instead of my fellow engineers, however, it will be a room full of of not-so-technical types (i.e. not interested in the full geekness). I've eliminated about 40% of the slides, polished my comments, and rehearsed.

All I can say is...please pray for me!


Anonymous said...

Is it mean to say, "I'm glad it wasn't me?" haha.

I've never given a power point speech, but they're a WHOLE lot more interesting than a speech w/ no cool props.

So it couldn't have been THAT bad.

EEEEMommy said...

I'll be praying that your presentation is briefer today.
Thanks for praying over me this morning!

JustAnotherBlogger said...

The presentation went GREAT!

Thanks for praying!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Glad it went well! And I'm glad to find you out here in blogland. :) I love your wife!!