Monday, January 21, 2008

What am I thinking?!?

And so it begins...why I have finally created a blog is beyond logical explanation. When I add up all of the other competing priorities, outstanding projects, and such, starting a blog feels a bit like going into debt.

Ah, but I console myself--quite easily, I might add--with the thought that you, dear friend, are very likely not doing something you should be too. Oh, sweet solidarity!

So what do I plan to accomplish with these electronically-stored-and-rendered binary numbers which somehow aspire to recreate themselves as the thoughts bouncing around my head when they appear on your computer monitor? (I know, don't I sound so heady? Pretty cool!)

Not really sure. Any suggestions? (Yeah, that's me--phlegmatic).


EEEEMommy said...

You've managed to surprise even me with this entry into the blogosphere. And what an impressive entry it is! What with talk of binary numbers and all. But like they say, you can't spell gEEk...

GoughRMAK said...

WELCOME to blogging!! I look forward to deciphering the all of the 1's and 0's. Good luck balancing all of the normal responsibilities with the BLOG.

Take care,

BTW- Sorry to hear about the Colts last week.


Anonymous said...

You're a nut. Welcome to the 21st century (odd, coming from me, no?). However, I'm still puzzled as to your beloved's assertion that she no longer had time for a blog, and now, here you are creating one, thereby having TWO in the house. Hmmmmmmmm, has peer pressure struck again? KAS

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm a blog friend of your wife's. Welcome to blog land. I hope that you enjoy yourself out here. :)

Melissa said...

Ahhh. But how can you really help yourself! You're completely surrounded. AND you've seen what FABULOUS friends (heehee) your wife has gotten in the bargain. Soon you'll be hooked and there will be no turning back. It's just too bad that you can't play guitar for us on your blog. Well...there is Youtube! :)
Melissa (yeah..the one that comes over now and then!!)

JustAnotherBlogger said...

Ahhhh, thanks all for your warm welcome!

No promises about regular updates, or comments on your blogs, though.