Monday, April 21, 2008

You read it here first!

Yahoo! Mail appears to be down today.

Has been since I got in to the office around 8:30 a.m.

Yes, I do check my personal e-mail at work. Occasionally.

Yes, I do get into work after 8:00 a.m. Often.

It's still down now (1:04 p.m. EST).

Just thought you should know.

[I thought about trying to break this story in Haiku form, but that would be an even more significant procrastination on my part. And since I'm just returning to work after a week-long vacation to Peejun Forj--no, that's not in Iceland--I need to keep my procrastinations to a minimum.]

So, it appears that not all of Yahoo! mail was down, just the new Beta interface. But since that's what I use, it was down for me. Oi ve!

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