Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm succumbing

Yes, this is me, blogging about American Idol.

There aren't nearly enough blog posts editorializing the AI goings-on scattered across the blogoverse.

So here's mine.

I'll keep it short (I can do that pretty well).

Natasha Bettef...... didn't sound like she had a pocket full of sunshine. In fact she was quite shouty in the middle of the song. Like maybe she had a pocket full of angry fists. Fists that are dry and cracked, and that desperately need Calgon.

Take me away!

It's after my bedtime.

I was soooo done. I even gave EEEEMommy the old "I should be sleeping now" line (which usually elicits a deep sigh from my dear night owl).

But then, they did it. The brass section and the background vocalists. They completely ruined any serious "personal" and "intimate" vibe good ole' Neil was shooting for in his "Pretty Amazing Grace" number.

The brass guys were grooving a little too much. I don't even remember seeing them play their instruments. Perhaps they did, and I was just too distracted by the crazy, octopus-like swaying/waving/pointing/walk-like-an-Egyptian/chicken dance hand motions from the background singers.

Good thing they didn't show much of the "mosh" pit! The mental distraction that would have caused would definitely require therapy.


Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Ha! You've come over to the dark side!

JustAnotherBlogger said...

Yeah, I was sitting on the couch next to my beloved, tinkering on my laptop while she watched the Tuesday's and Wednesday's AI (from DVR). I was able to resist through the entire first episode, but the second one got me:S

Melissa said...

Haven't you gotten the memo? TV will rot your brain!!! :)

EEEEMommy said...

Yes, I'm such a bad influence!

JustAnotherBlogger said...

I won't do it!